How can my hospital use SNOO in clinical or QI research?

Happiest Baby's Healthcare Research Program is dedicated to supporting our clinical partners
with logistics, networking, study design, and evaluation. Several studies are currently underway
to evaluate the impact of SNOO on clinical, quality, and experiential outcomes in both inpatient
and outpatient settings. Potential use cases include:

Infant care and treatment – neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS), late-term premature
birth, cardiac conditions (e.g., single ventricle), post-operative care, infant safety and
safe sleep
Postpartum care – breastfeeding initiation and continuation, maternal postpartum
depression & anxiety, maternal hypertension, maternal bonding & attachment, parental
Hospital operations and quality improvement – in-hospital falls & associated injuries,
adherence to AAP safe sleep recommendations, clinician engagement, clinician
Long-term family health and wellbeing – cognitive development, health care utilization,
substance abuse relapse, obesity, weight gain & diabetes, occupational health outcomes

Interested in participating in the program? Click here to submit a research proposal.

Have more questions? Email us at

Disclaimer: The information on our site is NOT medical advice for any specific person or condition. It is only meant as general information. If you have any medical questions and concerns about your child or yourself, please contact your health provider.